Admin control for all user actions including phone number ferification settings
Php coding examples
phone number ferification settings
aql simple sms site version 1.0
======== Contents ========
1.0 What is the SMS site?
2.0 Installation
3.0 What features does it offer?
4.0 What do all these files do?
5.0 Requirements
6.0 Special Thanks
7.0 Rebranding
8.0 Support
9.0 File Layout
1.0 What is the SMS site?
The sms site provides a building block for aql customers interested in providing sms sending capabilities from
their own website. Several aspects of the site can be tailored to suit you or your business, including user access
levels, email contents and even adding your own company logo.
Sending a message is as simple as logging in, typing your message and recipients numbers and clicking
2.0 Installation
Extract the contents onto your webserver
Type in your webbrowser - http://your/webserver/address/setup.php
Edit the details in /inc/ to resemble your own database login details (shown on setup.php)
You should now be able to view the login screen by visiting http://your/webserver/address/
Two accounts will be set up
- Admin account
- username admin
- password admin
- Guest account
- username guest
- password guest
- NOTE : It is recommended that you change your admin account login details
Login as admin and go to admin >> configuration
Update the details to reflect your own site
- NOTE : URL's should end with /
The site is now ready to use
3.0 What features does it offer?
3.1 Send customised messages
- Select from SMS or WAP Push
- Specify single or multiple recipients
- Choose from flash or non-flash messaging
- Enter your own originator and message (up to 160 characters)
- Concatenated messaging support
- Send messages spanning multiple sms
3.2 Administer your own local users
3.2.1 - 3 different user types - admin, standard and guest access levels - Admin user
- Reset user passwords
- Edit user details
- Remove users
- Add users
- Adjust users credit levels
- Activate accounts
- Disabled accounts
- View all users delivery reports
- View all users address book details
- Site configuration - Standard user
- Change own password
- Check own credits
- Edit own details
- View own delivery reports
- View and edit own address book - Guest user
- View guest account delivery reports
- View and add to guest address book
3.2.2 - Credit levels associated with each user limit the number of messages they can send
- Initial number of credits can be set by the admin
- Inifinite credits can be given by setting the credit level to -1
3.2.3 - 'Locked' accounts status to prevent access to unauthorised users and new accounts
- New users are emailed an 'activation link'
- New accounts can be set to an 'unlocked' status by an admin
- Admin can activate/disable user accounts at any time
3.3 Personal address books
- Manage your own contacts details
- Send SMS and Wap Pushes to address book contacts at the touch of a button
- Admin has full access to all address book details
3.4 Customisable options
- Toggle new users accounts requiring activation before use
- Admin can receive notifications of all new signups
- Set initial number of 'free' credits for new accounts
- Toggle guest account on/off
- Create your own welcome email for new signups
- Enter your aql username and password only once
3.5 Easy navigation using milonic javascript menu -
- 2 Click interface, Maximum of 2 clicks to access any screen
3.6 Run the SMS site from its own domain - e.g
- Register your domain name with (aq) Limited at from just �10 + vat per year
- Mask your current site address with web forwarding for only �5 + vat per year
- Host your site and database with (aq)
4.0 What do all these files do?
- Contains the database name, username and password
- Contains the message displayed when a page cannot be accessed (usually incorrect details or wrong type of user - guest trying to view an admin page etc)
- Contains the process for checking users access levels
- Contains header details
- Contains footer details
5.0 Requirements
Curl needs to be installed -
An aql sms account is required, sign up at
6.0 Special Thanks
Navigation menu provided by
7.0 Rebranding
The simple sms site software can be edited and rebranded to your own companies image.
Please read copyright.txt before editing any of the files.
8.0 Support
If you require technical support please raise a support ticket online at
9.0 File Layout
The files should be extracted to the following directories
- confirm_delete.php
- confirm_send.php
- do_activate_user.php
- do_add_address.php
- do_add_user.php
- do_adjust_credit.php
- do_admin_activate.php
- do_admin_deactivate.php
- do_admin_edit.php
- do_admin_setup.php
- do_change_details.php
- do_change_pass.php
- do_delete_contact.php
- do_delete_user.php
- do_more_delreps.php
- do_reset_pass.php
- do_send.php
- do_show_address_book.php
- do_show_delreps.php
- index.php
- login.php
- milonic_about.php
- setup.php
- signup.php
- signup_confirm.php
- user_add.php
- user_address_book.php
- user_adjust_credit.php
- user_Adjust_credit2.php
- user_admin_activate.php
- user_admin_deactivate.php
- user_admin_edit.php
- user_admin_edit2.php
- user_admin_setup.php
- user_change_details.php
- user_change_pass.php
- user_credit_check.php
- user_delete.php
- user_hub.php
- user_reset.php
- user_send.php
- user_send_wap.php
- copyright.txt
- readme.txt
- arrow.gif
- blank.html
- howtobuild.txt
- install.txt
- licence.txt
- menu.htm
- menu_data_admin.js
- menu_data_guest.js
- menu_data_standard.js
- milonic_src.js
- mmenudom.js
- mmenuns4.js
- logo.jpg
- style.php
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